sunnuntai 2. elokuuta 2020

Chapter 2

 Vanessa was visiting her neighbour, famous celebrity Rajan. She told him about her scuba diving skills and career and lifeguard so Rajan thought she was cool.

Unexpectedly Vanessa went into labour and Rajan panicked.

Rajan’s roommate noticed what happened and also started panicking.

 It was too late for going to hospital, so Vanessa gave birth in their backyard. Beautiful little girl named Ramona was born.

 Now there were two babies in the household keeping everybody awake which was stressful.

 Finally Bella aged up as a toddler, and she was the most adorable little girl with her pink eyes and hair. Who have had thought that she would inherit her grandmom’s hair when her daddy’s hair was brown.

It was full moon when Vanessa got a call from Rajan and they decided to meet at the museum.

Vanessa didn’t understand much about art, so she just stared at the paintings confused.

 Rajan showed up a little late and they chit-chatted about art and stuff.

They had playful argument about which color was the best, when Rajan told it was light blue but Vanessa thought pink was the best.

Even though Vanessa hated children, she however loved her daughter in her own way. Still she didn’t often took care of her but left it to her mom, brother and Paulette.

 They also had a dog called Suski.

 Suski hated everybody else than Marissa, which also hated everybody else than Suski and her favorite child Ville.

 After their meeting at museum Vanessa visited again Rajan and was surprised when she noticed they had got a cute puppy.

 As usually they begun to goof off together and started a pillow fight.

 After their fight Vanessa was just standing still and staring at Rajan’s eyes: she hadn’t noticed earlier how beautiful they were.

So she couldn’t help herself when she without thinking kissed him.

Rajan stared at Vanessa with surprised look on his face.

But he seemed to like her kiss, because he pulled her closer and gave her the most intensive kiss, it was like he had never kissed anybody and his life was up to this one kiss.

It wasn’t a surprise that Rajan asked her to spend a night with him and she said yes.

 They got up to take some pictures. But they weren’t alone.

 “Haha! You guys kissed!” laughted his stupid roommate. “I probably have to tell you something”, Rajan started. “I-…I have a girlfriend, Lupita.”

Because Rajan’s roommate wouldn’t leave them alone, they went talking to terrace. Rajan confessed, that he had never felt like this with anybody, not even with Lupita.

 “I have to think about all of this”, Vanessa said gloomily. She wasn’t sure what she felt, she know in fact that she didn’t always do the right things, as when she spent time with Devin who happened to be the father of her child. Devin was married. Is this what she had became, making out only with guys who are already taken? She wasn’t very happy with herself at this very moment.

  When the morning came Vanessa felt nauseaous and she couldn’t make it to the bathroom.

 Meanwhile at home Ville and Paulette took care of Ramona as usually, when her mother were who knows where.

 Marissa came to conclusion, that it was the best for her to move to another house. She had never liked children and now she was too old to stand them in her home. She bought a house near, actually it was next to Rajan’s house.

 At home Vanessa felt that the sickness was getting worse.

 At the evening Rajan ivited her to the party. Vanessa was glad when she thought they would have time to discuss about their relationship after the party. Luckily Lupita wasn’t invited. Maybe they already had broke up? Nobody had cleaned the house and some of the guests didn’t appreciate it.

 “Okay, I’ll clean it”, Vanessa said as she grabbed dirty plate.

 But immediately she had to put it back because she realized that she was pregant!  She put her pregnancy coat on.

 She didn’t have time to tell about it to Rajan, because his roommate was in labour.

“Omg omg, somebody do something!” panicked her boyfriend. He really is stupid, Vanessa thought.

 Next day Vanessa was planning Ramona’s birthday party. Suski growled at her as usually. “Why didn’t mom take her with her when she moved out?” she wondered.

 The party started and Vanessa was nervous when she realized that her ex-lover Devon and Rajan were next to each other. She couldn’t let Devon without invitation to his daughter’s party. She was relieved when she noticed they just ingnored each other. It was possible that they didn’t know about this love triangle they all were in.

Most of the guests gathered to see when Ramona was aging up.

She looked a lot like his father with her dark brown eyes and hair. It seemed that Vanessa still have to make babies to get the new heir to the family!

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Chapter 4

After the wedding Rajan went to sleep but Vanessa was too excited about everything that had happen today, so she woke up and went to see zo ...